Terms and conditions of handstamp orders, production and use

Why not order a commemorative handstamp, commemorative Apost stickers or commemorative R-stickers with a text or graphic design of your own if you are about to organise a philatelic, social, sporting or other event?

Just send an order to the following address (valid from October 1st, 2010):

Česká pošta, s.p.
Michaela Petrusová
Jindřišská 14, P.O.BOX 13
111 21  Praha 1

Mailing address:

Michaela Petrusová, odd. známková tvorba
telefon: +420 954 400 692
e-mail: petrusova.michaela@cpost.cz

Please place your order 3 months before you hold the event (for operational reasons). Later orders are not normally acceptable. Orders placed within a shorter period of time need an extraordinary approval (to give us sufficient time for a high-quality and timely distribution of information about the handstamp among all applicants).

Please attach to the order:

  • graphic design of the handstamp (Apost or R-sticker);
  • including the following details: exact name of the local post office where the handstamp is to be used, place of use, other details, if any, relating to the use of the handstamp (Apost or R-sticker);
  • text or picture referring to the event, standard customer details (in particular: exact address of the customer, company ID number, tax ID number, bank details; if you are a self-employed customer or legal entity, please attach standard documents: a copy of your certificate of incorporation or certificate of trade licence, a copy of your registration as a V.A.T. payer.).

Prices per 1 commemorative handstamp:

  • production price per handstamp: approx. CZK 8,000-10,000 incl. V.A.T. (depending on how difficult the production of an engraved version of the handstamp is);
  • price charged for your handstamp being used by us (the relevant organisational unit of the Czech Post at the select place of use): CZK 650/day for the first three days; CZK 200/day for the fourth and every next day (or its part);
  • price for setting up a commemorative post office counter with 1 postperson: a minimum CZK 2,000/day.

The production of commemorative handstamps, Apost and R-stickers is arranged by our Stamp Design Department. The price for each Apost or R-sticker will be calculated on an individual basis against a binding order after which you will be informed about the final price. The handstamp will remain the property of the Czech Post and will be deposited after the event in the Postal Museum's collections.

Contact person:

(Author: Břetislav Janík, Director, Stamp Design Department, Czech Post, October 13th, 2010, Prague.)

In preparation (details and deadlines will be published sufficiently in advance):

  1. If you are unable to provide us with a graphic design, we can offer you a graphic design (depending on how complicated the outcome should be) created by professional graphic artists involved in Czech stamp design; the price would be as usual for this kind of additional stamp design products;
  2. Alternative email ordering service via the Czech Post website.