Balíkovna parcel pickup outlets are closer to you than you think.

ikona OK    More than 8 thousand drop-off and pick-up locations                                                
ikona OK    The standard delivery time is next day
ikona OK    Our most cost-effective parcel service





Registrace a přihlášení do Moje Balíkovna




ikona OK 

Self-service, online, and
cost-effective sending of parcels.

You can file all posting data online. Our application or Balíkovna mobile application will do it for you. And the price will not leave your pockets empty!

ikona OK 

Simple COD service without filling in money orders.
Just enter the COD amount and the account number where the collected amount is to be sent. That’s all!

ikona OK

Drop off your parcel almost anywhere, and without queueing up.
A Balíkovna outlet waits for you at almost every corner. Choose the location that best suits your needs. Balíkovna outlets at post offices with a queue management system will make it even faster! Just try it.

ikona OK

No need for binoculars.
Instead, use our Track&Trace application. You will find it on our website as well as in the Balíkovna mobile application. You will also be notified by email about the progress your parcel will be making.

ikona OK Balíkovna-BOX
Self-service point mostly available 24/7 for fast and easy pickup. You can use cash or online card payment to pay the COD amount (see the payment reference in the pickup notification message or in the tracking application).


How to send a parcel

No posting forms any longer! Send us the data online.

Use the web application in the Send parcel section or Balíkovna mobile application. Enter the contact details, COD amount (if required) to be collected from the recipient, and the destination Balíkovna outlet or box to which the parcel is to be sent. Then pay easily through a payment gateway.

TIP: Not sure how to properly package a parcel to get your content safely to the destination? The instructions for proper packaging of the parcel (pdf, 1MB) will help you.

Prepare your parcel and print the address label.

We will send a parcel recapitulation to your email address. Print the address label attached to the message and glue it directly on the parcel.

TIP: Not having a printer? We will print the address label. Write your name, surname, and posting code on the parcel. You will find the posting code in the recapitulation directly in the application or in the message sent to your email address. 


Drop-off locations at any corner.

Simply drop off your parcel at any more than 8 thousand Balíkovna outlets. It may be located at your favourite newsagent’s shop across the street or at the nearest post office. That’s all! We will send a notification of posting to your email address and let the recipient know that they can start looking forward to their parcel arriving.

TIP: Balíkovna outlets at post offices with a queue management system will make it even faster! Push the button “Faster sending of parcel” on the ticket terminal, enter the posting code, and you will be served faster.


Balíkovna - ceník

The prices are in CZK and apply from 1. 8. 2024.

Special prices are available to contractual customers based on specific criteria for sending.

What’s included?

ikona OK    Declared value up to CZK 50,000
ikona OK    Notifications to the addressee and the sender
ikona OK    Refunding the price of the parcel if the posting is not completed


Complete pricelist (pdf, 1MB)


Useful links



You can track the progress of your parcel anytime during transportation and delivery.

Track parcel

Balíkovna information line

If you have a question about Balíkovna services, call us at 218 218 218 or send us an email at

NEW! The Balíkovna mobile application

At home, at work, or during travel. You will always have your parcel under control.

More about mobile app



Size category M
Size Minimum 15x10.5 cm, maximum 50x50x50 cm
Recommended weight 15 kg
Posting data submission Use our online application at or Balíkovna mobile application, for entry of posting data and full payment for the service.
Sending your parcel

Parcels with attached address label may be sent from any Balíkovna including boxes

Parcels without attached address label may be sent from any Balíkovna excluding boxes.

Cash on Delivery Optional service for a surcharge, up to CZK 50,000
Declared Value Declared value up to CZK 50,000 is free of charge
Notifications to the addressee and the sender Free of charge

Frequently asked questions


balíkovna - FAQ - odesílatel




ikona OK 

Pickup at every corner
You can pick up your parcel in a wide network of pickup locations including boxes. Balíkovna outlets are located at post offices and at other locations including a newsagent’s shop behind the corner or a petrol station. The capacity of post offices running a Balíkovna is almost unlimited even during the Christmas season.

ikona OK 

Multiple ways to pay COD
Card payments are accepted at any Balíkovna outlet located at post office. Balíkovna outlets located elsewhere accept cash and/or online payments. In boxes, COD can only be paid with a payment card online (you can find a link to this payment in the notice or in Tracking the parcel). You can also pay COD in the Balíkovna mobile application.

ikona OK

You won’t wait long! You’ll be served in the twinkling of an eye.
Balíkovna outlets at post offices with a queue management system will make the pickup of your parcel even faster. Just push the “Fast parcel pickup” button on the ticket terminal, enter the pickup code, and you will get your parcel within 5 minutes.

ikona OK

Send a classmate, neighbour, or your auntie with the pickup code to get the parcel instead of you.
You have no time to pick up your parcel yourself? Send anyone with the pickup code you will have received in the email or SMS notification to get the parcel for you.

Useful links



You can track the progress of your parcel anytime during transportation and delivery.

Track parcel

Balíkovna information line

If you have a question about Balíkovna services, call us at 218 218 218 or send us an email at

NEW! The Balíkovna mobile application

At home, at work, or during travel. You will always have your parcel under control.

More about mobile app


Frequently asked questions

balíkovna - FAQ - příjemce




ikona OK 

Czech Post’s cheapest parcel delivery service. The service is ideal for sending products sold by online stores to their customers.

ikona OK 

Pickup at every corner
Online store customers can choose from more than 8 thousand Balíkovna outlets located at post office or elsewhere.

ikona OK

We offer a compensation cover
A compensation cover of up to CZK 50,000 is free of charge.

ikona OK

Unlimited storage capacity
The storage capacity of Balíkovna outlets located at post office is always unlimited – including during the Christmas season.


How to send a parcel

Integrate Balíkovna services in your online store.

Offer your online store customers complete parcel services including Balíkovna. Make sure your customers can use the entire range of our services by correctly implementing and setting them. Link the Balíkovna services to the list of locations displayed after the entry of the address

TIP: Download the Balíkovna implementation package (zip, 18MB).


Make your parcel ready to send

Good packaging is a must! The maximum weight of a parcel is 15 kg. The maximum size of a parcel is 70 x 50 x 50 cm. We will be happy to accept parcels shaped as a cube, rectangle, or cylinder, with solid packaging and content secured against movement.

TIP: Not sure how to properly package a parcel to get your content safely to the destination? The instructions for proper packaging of the parcel (pdf, 1MB) will help you.


Send us the data online.

Data files necessary for smooth posting should be sent through the Online Posting application or via the API interface..

TIP: If Shoptet is the platform used to run your online store, use the new integrated module for data transfer.

Print the address label and glue it on the parcel.

Address labels are important for parcel transportation. Always enter the recipient’s phone number or email address so that we can contact the recipient and smoothly and quickly deliver your parcel.

TIP: Before you print and glue the address label on the parcel, read the Address label printing instructions for information about what an address label should contain.


Send as usual.

You can order a pickup drive or drop your parcel off at certain Balíkovna outlets. You can choose from more than 8 thousand locations now.

TIP: You can track the progress of your parcel at or in the OnlinePost mobile application.



Balíkovna - Ceník - Smluvní


Useful links



You can track the progress of your parcel anytime during transportation and delivery.

Track parcel

Balíkovna information line

If you have a question about Balíkovna services, call us at 218 218 218 or send us an email at


Balíkovna For Businesses

Offer your customers parcel delivery by Balíkovna. We will join forces to make their shopping at your online store as enjoyable as possible.

More information on the For Businesses



Size category 15 kg
Size Minimum 15x10.5 cm, maximum 50x50x50 cm
Posting data submission Data files transfer through the Online Posting application or via the API interface
Sending your parcel At a post office or by a pickup drive
Delivery Standard delivery the next working day
Tracking Online at or using the Balíkovna mobile application
Compensation cover ADeclared value up to CZK 50,000 is free of charge
Notifications for the addressee Free of charge
Cash on Delivery Optional service for a surcharge, up to CZK 100,000

Product sheet (pdf, 563kB)


Frequently asked questions





ikona OK 

Jednoduchá registrace pouze přes e-mail

ikona OK 

Odeslané a přijaté balíky přehledně na jednom místě pro lepší kontrolu

ikona OK

Správa osobních údajů a souhlasů pod vlastní kontrolou

ikona OK

Ještě rychlejší odeslání balíků díky předvyplněným údajům

ikona OK

Zobrazení detailních informací, třeba kódu pro vyzvednutí



Jak si zřídit účet - popis procesu


Na webu Balíkovny si v pravém horním rohu kliknete na tlačítko Moje Balíkovna a budete přesměrován na centrální stránku s přihlášením a možností registrace.

Přes odkaz Vytvořit účet se dostanete do registračního formuláře. Po vyplnění všech polí (jméno, příjmení, e-mail, heslo) a potvrzení odeslání formuláře vám bude na zadanou e-mailovou adresu zaslána potvrzovací zpráva s aktivačním linkem.

Po prokliknutí aktivačního linku se účet stane plnohodnotně ověřeným a můžete se přihlásit.

POZOR: Pokud aktivační link nepotvrdíte, bude vám účet do 10 dnů automaticky smazán.

Co najdu ve svém účtu


ikona OK

Moje balíky – přehled odeslaných a adresovaných balíků

Přehled je rozdělen zvlášť na seznam přijatých a odeslaných balíků. V přehledu je možné balíky filtrovat podle stavů, ve kterých se nachází, prokliknout se do detailu balíku, kde uvidíte další důležité informace ke konkrétnímu balíku nebo si zobrazíte historické balíky starší než 1 měsíc od podání.

POZOR: Zobrazují se historické balíky do maximálního stáří 13 měsíců od podání, informace o balících staršího data se ze systému odstraňují.

ikona OK

Profil – správa osobních údajů uživatele a nastavení souhlasů

Na stránce s profilovými údaji můžete upravovat svoje osobní údaje, tj. jméno, bankovní účet, e-maily nebo telefony (může jich být od každého maximálně 3 a slouží mj. k párování přijatých balíků do seznamu balíků) nebo souhlasy ke zpracování osobních údajů. Kromě toho si může případně změnit heslo.


Často kladené otázky

FAQ - Moje Balíkovna