Sale of goods at post offices
Visit any post office to find not only classic postal services but also a large offer of goods, starting from packaging materials up to gifts, designed to improve customer comfort.
Packaging materials
Do you want to send some goods, a gift or another thing and need packaging help? Visit any post office to get suitable packaging material. Just pack your goods and we'll do the rest.
You can download our List of Packaging Materials (pdf, 7MB) (only in Czech version) to check which materials available at any post office. |
Other goods
Other goods available at certain post offices include:
- Newspapers, magazines, local newspapers
- Telefónica O2 products
- T-Mobile products
- Vodafone products
- Postcards and greetings cards
- Letter paper and stationery, school aids
- Calendars and diaries
- Books of different genres, maps
- Film and music CDs, DVDs
- Party games
- Products featuring the Čtyřlístek comics characters
- Products featuring Pat and Mat
- Tickets and passes of certain regional transport companies
- Toys and other products
You can get more information on the running offer of products including their prices from our post office staff.