
The CIIA confirmed the international level of Czech Post’s Internal Audit

Czech Post received the prestigious Czech Institute of Internal Auditors’ (CIIA) certification confirming that the internal audit process setting and working comply with the applicable International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. The CIIA also confirmed that the activities of Czech Post’s Internal Audit comply with the Code of Ethics of the Institute of Internal Auditors.

“This summer, Czech Post faced a media storm due to unsubstantiated claims of non-transparent behaviour. The results of the external audit confirm that the seven measures leading to a greater transparency of our company are not mere words”, said Martin Elkán, Czech Post’s Director General, adding: “The setting of the audit mechanisms at Czech Post is completely standard and complies with the international practice.”

The Czech Institute of Internal Auditors (CIIA) was established in March 1995 as the national body of The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc. The latter was established in the U.S. in 1941 as an international organisation currently representing over 180 thousand professionals in 190 countries worldwide. The CIIA was admitted to the European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing (ECIIA), which has been developing its activities since 1982 and currently includes 33 countries in Europe and the African and Asian region adjoining the Mediterranean Sea, with over 12 thousand internal auditors.

Matyáš Vitík
tiskový mluvčí
Česká pošta, s.p.
