Postal Museum
The Postal Museum is mainly concerned with acquiring knowledge about postal history, postage stamps, transportation means, period postal uniforms, mail and letter boxes, means of mechanisation as well as about telegraph, telephone and a range of other things. The Postal Museum also reflects the atmosphere among the people in the country and the history of the country whose historical and integral part the Post has been and continues to be.
The Postal Museum runs two expositions based in Prague and in Vyšší Brod
The highlights of the Prague-based exposition are collections of Czech, Czechoslovak and world stamp design; some exhibits are displayed in rooms with attractive Biedermeier-style murals painted by Navrátil.
The exposition at the Vyšší Brod venue will show you the world of transportion means, uniforms, telecommunication technology, paintings, cash, mail and letter boxes and other operation tools.
- Postal Museum Prague
Address: Nové mlýny 2, 110 00 Prague 1.
Phone: +420 954 400 394
- Postal Museum Vyšší Brod
Address: Klášter 136, 382 73 Vyšší Brod (South Bohemia Region).
Phone: +420 954 401 297 Email:
Take a visit to our venues in Prague or Vyšší Brod and you will have a great cultural experience.
You can find all information about the Postal Museum on its new website at
The main information includes details about opening hours, expositions, shops, and the Prague-based library of the Postal Museum. You can also find news and notices of future, ongoing and past exhibitions.
About Postal Musem
The Postal Museum is a member of the following national or international organisations:
- Asociace muzeí a galerií České republiky (Association of Museums and Galleries of the Czech Republic, AMG ČR),
- International Association of Transport and Communications Museums (IATM),
- International Council of Museums (ICOM), an NGO maintaining formal relations with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
- Conference of European Communication Museums (CECOMM),
- Mitteleuropäische Union Technischer Museen (Central European Union of Technical Museums, MUT),
- Club de Monte-Carlo de l'Elite de la Philatelie.